Having experienced a deep sense of detachment and positive qualities of the Supreme, we further establish all relations with Him achieving unconditional love of all relations from Him. During this stage, the following positive thoughts are useful: In the stage of perfect silence, now I understand that this world infact is a drama, in which I am playing my role as an actor... my family members, friends and fellow human beings too are just playing their roles. These are only a temporary relationships... my perpetual and eternal relation is with God, the Supreme.. this incorporeal point of light and might is my divine Father.. He protects me.. and gives all His inheritance to me.. I feel proud to be His child. I will also put all my efforts to be like my divine father... He is also a loving spiritual mother... (in fact God, the Supreme, gives the love of Father and Mother both, we don't address our father by his name but lovingly address Him as Daddy aur Baba. From now onwards the incorporeal father is addressed as Baba.
As my divine mother, Baba takes all round care.. Baba looks after me and gives me unconditional love.. not for my any special qualities I possess but ... As a mother gives equal love to all children Supreme loves all His children... equally... Baba is also my spiritual teacher ... He reveals the history and geography of this huge world drama.. He has also given me the insight of the beginning, middle and end of the world cycle. His teachings have bestowed enormous clarity of mind. My visions of past, present and future has become so clear that I am able to take my further steps with full confidence...
The Almighty Baba is my preceptor... He liberates me from the bondage of actions and its reactions. He is my beloved friend.. and a companion... I am able to tell Him all my inner feelings... and by doing so I become light... Baba supports me during all circumstances... I feel so free in front of Him...
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