Go through the following lists carefully
A. Places to live in:- Convict: Prison
- King: Palace
- Lunatic: Asylum
- Monk: Monastery
- Nun: Convent, Nunnery
- Soldier: Barracks, Quarters
- Bee: Hive
- Bird : Nest
- Cow: Shed
- Dog: Kennel
- Fowl: Coop
- Horse: Stable
- Lion : Den
- Mouse: Hole
- Owl: Barn or Tree
- Pigeon: Dove-cote
- Rabbit: Burrow
- Sheep: Pen
- Spider: Web
- Tiger: Lair
- Priest: Presbetory
- Red Indian: Wig wam
- Eskimo: Igloo
- swiss: Chalet
- Arab : Dowar
B. Specific words for certain places;
- Wine is made in a : Brewery
- Wine is kept in a : Cellar
- Bread is made in a : Bakery
- Films are made in a : Studio
- Goods are made in a : Mint
- Leather is made in a : Factory
- Coins are made in a : Mint
- Ships are made in a : Dockyard
- Airplanes are kept in a : Hangar
- Bees are kept in an : Apiary
- Birds are kept in a : cage, an aviary
- Birds and animals are kept in a : Zoo
- Clothes are kept in a : wardrobe, closet
- Fishes are kept in an: Aquarium
- Curious are kept in a: Museum
- Luggage at a railway station is kept in a: Cloak room
- Motor cars are kept in a : Garage
- Weapons are kept in an : Arsenal, Armory
- Ships are kept in a : Harbor
- Archives are kept in a : Government building
C. Group Terms:
- An army/troop of soldiers.
- An assembly of people.
- A ball of cotton or wool.
- A band/choir of singers.
- A bevy of girls.
- A board of trustees or directors.
- A bunch of grapes, keys.
- A bundle of sticks, hay.
- A caravan of merchants, pilgrims, travelers.
- A century of years.
- A chain/range of mountains.
- A catch/haul/shoal of fish.
- A muster of peacocks.
- A class of students, persons.
- A cloud of locusts.
- A clump or groove of trees.
- A cluster of stars, grapes, islands.
- A code of laws.
- A collection of stamps, coins.
- A company of soldiers, merchants.
- A congregation of worshippers.
- A consignment of goods.
- A constellation of stars.
- A course of lectures.
- A crew of sailors.
- A throng of people.
- A drove of cattle
- A faggot of sticks.
- A fleet of sheep.
- A galaxy of stars.
- A gang of robbers, thieves, prisoners, workmen.
- A garland of flowers.
- A group of persons, islands.
- A herd of cattle, deer, goats.
- A hive of bees.
- A litter of pigs, pups, rubbish.
- A multitude of people.
- A mob/ troop/court of kangaroo
- A pack of hounds, playing cards, wolves, cigarettes, bread.
- A pair of shoes.
- A pair of bells.
- A posse of policemen.
- A regiment of soldiers.
- A series of lectures.
- A sheaf of arrows.
- A shower of rain, arrows.
- A stock of hay.
- A stock of goods.
- A string of camels.
- A suite of clothes.
- A suite of rooms.
- A swarm of flies, bees, ants.
- A team of players, oxen, horses.
- A train of wagons, followers.
- A troop of scouts, horsemen, monkeys.
- A tribe of natives.
- A troop of dancers.
- A tuft of grass, hair.
- A volley of shots, bullets, stones, arrows, abuse.
- A yoke of oxen.
- A wreath of flowers.
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