Letter of sympathy

 Letter of sympathy is written when someone, i.e. our relative or a friend, has something lost but we can also find that letter of sympathy and letter of condolence are used at the demise of someone.

Look at the following example of a letter of sympathy:

63, Church Road,


March 20, 1973

Dear John,

We are all so sorry to hear that your brother is very ill, and we do hope that you will soon have some better news to report.

You must be dreadfully worried, but perhaps you will be able to get some slight consolation from the knowledge that many of your friends are feeling for you.

Is there any way in which we can be of some slight assistance ? When illness is in the house, one is often hard put to be able to manage; but if there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Would you ask your two little youngsters to come here for a few days ? They are so young and noisy, and must be taking up a great deal of your time I may assure you that they would be quite happy with Mary and Emily With sincere sympathy.

I remain.
Yours sincerely,


(From New College Composition]

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