One word substitution. single words with powerful meaning. Single words for longer expression
- A place where books are bound - Bindery
- A building for loading of soldiers - Barracks
- That which cannot be read - Illegible
- That which can be read - Legible
- That which cannot be heard - Inaudible
- A thing kept in memory of an event - Souvenir
- Separation from people to avoid infection - Quarantine
- Asking everyone for an opinion - Referendum
- A person's last utterance/words - Swan song
- A person who talks to himself - Soliloquy
- One who lives on others - Parasite
- A decision made by all - Unanimous
- A speech made without preparation - Extempore
- Killing of oneself - Suicide
- One person killing another person - Homicide
- Killing of a large group of people - Genocide
- Killing of one's brother - Fratricide
- Killing of one's Father - Patricide
- Killing of one's mother - Matricide
- Killing of one's sister - Filicide/sororicide
- killing of the king - Regicide
- A person's first speech - Maiden speech
- A written declaration made on a oath - Affidavit
- One who doesn't believe in god - Theist
- A place where monks live - Monastery
- A close watch kept over someone - Surveillance
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