Sindhuli to Bardibas highway;dangerous highway built by Japan in Nepal.
The construction of Banepa Sindhuli Bardibas Road started in November 1996 with a grant assistance of Government of Japan. The main objective of this road is to connect Capital city of Kathmandu with the Eastern Terai and hence linking to neighboring cities in India. This road link is not only expected to provide an alternate link to Kathmandu with the Terai, it is also expected to bring considerable socio- economic changes along its corridor. This road joins Dhulikhel along the Arniko highway to Bardibas along the East West Highway with a length of about 158 km. For the construction purpose this road has been divided into four sections.• Section II Sindhulibazar- Khurkot section (39 Km)
• Section III Khurkot - Nepalthok section (32 Km)
• Section IV Nepalthok-Dhulikhel section (50 Km)The BP Highway, also known as the Banepa Bardibas Highway, is a highway in eastern Nepal. It links Kathmandu Valley with the Eastern Terai region. It is named after the former leader of Nepal, BP Koirala. The BP Highway, also known as the Banepa Bardibas Highway, is a highway in eastern Nepal. It links Kathmandu Valley with the Eastern Terai region. It is named after the former leader of Nepal, BP Koirala. This highway is the shortest link between Kathmandu valley and the Terai region in Nepal. Construction of the highway began on 1996 and after encountering different issues with materials, manpower and budget, the road was finally completed and handed over to the Nepalese government on 3 July 2015
Is the BP Highway dangerous?
The road is risky, locals warn. It is in good conditions but narrow with too many curves and sharp hairpin turns. At few points it hardly accommodates two crossing vehicles. Public vehicles having more than 18 seats have been prohibited for operation along the road. In the lack of speed control, accidents have become casual. Drivers don't consider the risk factors and enticed with the sleek road they drive at high speed. The road is vulnerable to floods from local streams, earthquakes and landslips. After the promulgation of Environmental Protection Act (EPA) for the first time during the basic design of section II Sindhulibazar Khurkot section, a Complete Environmental Impact Assessment was conducted. Extensive discussion on various aspects on environmental issues was discussed with the local people and their concerns are properly addressed. Furthermore, various slope stabilization techniques has been adopted, this includes use of retaining and breast walls, crib works, gabion works, geotextiles and most interesting being the bio-engineering works which includes the locally available techniques like plantation of trees, shrubs including turfing and the soil seeding method imported from Japan. Though initially this technique has been found little expensive because most of the materials used in this method being imported from Japan and for making this method economical effort has been made to use the locally available materials so that this method could be extensively used in Nepal.
• Section III Khurkot - Nepalthok section (32 Km)
• Section IV Nepalthok-Dhulikhel section (50 Km)The BP Highway, also known as the Banepa Bardibas Highway, is a highway in eastern Nepal. It links Kathmandu Valley with the Eastern Terai region. It is named after the former leader of Nepal, BP Koirala. The BP Highway, also known as the Banepa Bardibas Highway, is a highway in eastern Nepal. It links Kathmandu Valley with the Eastern Terai region. It is named after the former leader of Nepal, BP Koirala. This highway is the shortest link between Kathmandu valley and the Terai region in Nepal. Construction of the highway began on 1996 and after encountering different issues with materials, manpower and budget, the road was finally completed and handed over to the Nepalese government on 3 July 2015
How long is the BP Highway?
The road, also known as H06 road and the Banepa Bardibas Highway, is 158 km (98 m) long, stretching from Dhulikhel (30 kms east of Kathmandu) to Bardibas (where it meets the East West Highway). It’s totally paved. It is named after the former leader of Nepal, Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala.Is the BP Highway dangerous?
The road is risky, locals warn. It is in good conditions but narrow with too many curves and sharp hairpin turns. At few points it hardly accommodates two crossing vehicles. Public vehicles having more than 18 seats have been prohibited for operation along the road. In the lack of speed control, accidents have become casual. Drivers don't consider the risk factors and enticed with the sleek road they drive at high speed. The road is vulnerable to floods from local streams, earthquakes and landslips. After the promulgation of Environmental Protection Act (EPA) for the first time during the basic design of section II Sindhulibazar Khurkot section, a Complete Environmental Impact Assessment was conducted. Extensive discussion on various aspects on environmental issues was discussed with the local people and their concerns are properly addressed. Furthermore, various slope stabilization techniques has been adopted, this includes use of retaining and breast walls, crib works, gabion works, geotextiles and most interesting being the bio-engineering works which includes the locally available techniques like plantation of trees, shrubs including turfing and the soil seeding method imported from Japan. Though initially this technique has been found little expensive because most of the materials used in this method being imported from Japan and for making this method economical effort has been made to use the locally available materials so that this method could be extensively used in Nepal.
Technologies Used
During the construction of the project different innovative technologies have been implemented. Specially Shotcrete has been implemented throughout the highway in order to control landslides. Geotech has been used in order to stabilize the soil in various sections of the highway. It's the first time such technologies have been used in Nepal for constructing highway.1) To maintain an all weathered national highway by ensuring smooth and safe traffic operation
2) To minimize road structures and maximize utilization of locally available material so that construction cost can be minimized as Japanese Grant Aid project
3) To construct sustainable road by applying adequate slope protection and drainage so that maintenance cost is minimized in consideration to the financial situation of Nepal
4) To minimize the impact to natural and social environment and to contribute the local community through increased employment opportunity
5) To transfer the technology concerning the disaster prevention (BOSAI) of road through the construction
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