Letters of refusal

 If an applicant is offered a position for which he applied and competed, he will either have to accept or refuse it. If the applicant does not wish to hold the position, he has to write a letter of refusal by mentioning actual facts in polite language. For example:

Kirtipur -10,


15th June, 2001

The Principal,

Panga,S.B. School,

Shahidpath, Kirtipur.

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter of June 10, 2001 offering me a position of lower secondary English teacher at your school. I would have been really pleasant working for you.

I have to apologize because I accepted another job (secondary level English teacher) offered by Sunkoshi Secondary Boarding School just a few days before receiving your offer.

I heartily appreciate you for considering me for this position.

Sincerely yours,

Ms Rita Maharjan

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