Significance of Social Support System

 Several research studies have shown (Berkman L.F, 1983: Cohen.S.,1985; Cassell J.1961) that people who get support from their friends and family are less likely to become sick Bereaved widows and widowers have increased possibility of suffering from several diseases because they don't receive the support of their spouse on whom they had depended so long After the death of a near relative, if a person continues to have enough social contact and receive support from them, he will not face the increased possibility of suffering from any diseases, The sense of loss and the feeling of loneliness that accompanies him in such a situation is infact very hazardous to health. Even while passing through bereavement stress if a person mixes with friends involves oneself in some community activity or maintains a sense of well being he is able to enjoy positive health. Man suffers more in absence of social support as compared to women. Its not that women don't need the support but they express their feelings more often and hence don't feel lonely and have less sense of deprivation. These factors should taken into account while offering Holistic Health Care Necessary suggestions and motivation would change activities leading to complete recovery from illness.

Some people fear in making friends. Sanjay was brought to me for adjustment difficulties. His father complained that he would not continue in one job for long enough. For trivial reasons he would submit his resignation. During the course of therapy I found that he had fears of forming friendships and hence lacked the necessary social support. He remained lonely and sometimes resented himself and others. I taught him the simple way of developing social contacts. There is no need of serious communication. When you meet others talk about common topics or just inquire about certain aspects of the person's life. This does not need a lot of knowledge. If you just come out of your imaginary fear and start talking to others you will be able to make friends.

Even if you feel you are not able to talk at all, you can still make friends. Just become a good listener. In the present era people are so busy that when someone wants to talk no one is ready to listen. If you listen to their others story with empathy they would certainly become friendly. Both of you would receive the necessary social support. Many patients who benefit from psychotherapy infact do so because psychotherapists patiently listen to his or her problems. When a patient talks about all his emotional problems he becomes free and light. Hence when you listen to others problems you are partly doing the job of a psychotherapist.

A fact also worth mentioning is that even if you have failed in getting a proper response from one person on you having initiated the talk, don't think that others also won't give you good response. The most probable reason is that he himself had some emotional problem or his personality itself was peculiar. If you attempted making friendship with several persons, you would certainly get a few good friends.

For mental support you don't need many friends. Even if you have one or two good friends to whom you can express all your problems and feelings it is just enough.

Practice of meditation, faith in God, a spiritual belief system, etc. also give tremendous mental support. Raja Yoga meditation practice fills one's mind with positive feelings and hence even in absence of friends one can maintain a sense of security and positive attitude towards life. So long as you have a will and desire to be a useful member of society your physiological process will support you and you will have a surplus health resource. It is only when you feel frustrated and empty within that catabolic physiological processes increase leading to the mal-functioning of bodily organs. Medical experts are of the opinion that over fifty percent of diseases are functional. You become sick because you want to become sick. Knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously you accept the illness.

                                                                                                Source: Brahmakumari

Understanding Cultural Factors

 Holistic treatment becomes holistic in reality only when doctors understand the significance of cultural factors, study them and appropriately utilize them in diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Man has always lived with his fellow human beings as a part of a small or big society. He has identified himself as a part of the society, consciously or unconsciously, accepted the habits and belief systems of the society and conditioned himself accordingly. This dependence of man on society is aptly described by Aristotle when he said, "The man who can live without society is either a beast or god." Brownlee (1978) from her experience advised all health care personnel to study all aspects of ones own culture and that of the community where one serves if one indeed desired to meet the requirements of the community.

This is important (White 1982) because one's thinking processes, emotions, experiences and behavior are colored by the cultural norms.

What Benedict R. wrote in 1934 about the need of understanding culture of patients is even more meaningful today. "The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community. From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behavior. By the time he can talk he is the little creature of his culture and by the time he grows up and is able to take part in his activities, it's habits are his habits, it's beliefs are his beliefs, it's impossibilities are his impossibilities. Every child that is born into his group will share them with him and no child that is born into one on the opposite side of the globe can ever achieve the thousandth part. There is no social problem. It is more incumbent upon us to understand that this is the role of custom. Until we are intelligent as to it's laws and varieties, the main complicating facts of human life must remain unintelligible.

How the understanding of cultural practice can influence the health status of person can be illustrated from the study conducted at the city of Detroit. It was noticed that when the various steps for preventing infant mortality were in full swing a specific section of the society was not showing positive signs. The study revealed that these particular Mid. European nationals did not breast feed the infants for sufficient period. The adult food was started very soon. In this section of society infant death due to digestive disturbances and intestinal infections were alarming. Hence, do put efforts to study cultural peculiarities of your patient and accordingly give specific suggestions with proper explanation

and motivation.

It is all the more difficult to change the cultural habits and conditions. Patients tend to resist any change even if it is going to improve their health status. First of all, they may tend to rationalize their habits, Secondly, they become suspicious when you bring an outsider and suggest any new idea. In a rural area of western Saudi Arabia health workers wanted to motivate local people to get some blood tests done for correct diagnosis. People became suspicious. They thought that these health workers wanted to sell the blood. They even doubted that the health workers were using the powder of their blood in tea. Thirdly, they also feel that the change would lead to more problems and difficulties. Fourthly, even after proper conviction it may be difficult for them to adopt the better and healthy environment. In Bombay some builder constructed multi -storied buildings on the land where huts existed He He gave the owners of the huts proportionate space in the building. But they could not adjust to this better housing conditions and hence after sometime some of them sold the houses and once again started living in slum areas, I had similar experiences while dealing with patients who have suffered heart attacks and were found to have high cholesterol and serum triglyceride. When they were advised to stop or reduce non-vegetarian food which definitely increases this risk factor, although they were convinced, initially they found it difficult to change their habit and adjust to the vegetarian diet.

I have pointed out these four difficulties in changing the cultural habits so that doctors put more effort and try various strategies for their patients. Such an approach can certainly bring a long term change. Your job can become very easy if you can convince them to change their habits without changing the belief system. It is more difficult to change the belief system. Our objectives to change their behavior. There is a need to clarify all doubts, suspicions, fears, anxieties, etc. which would result in health promoting habit. To the patients who agree to accept a vegetarian diet I always emphatically explain that vegetarian food contains all necessary ingredients in the required quantity. I give them some examples of people who are vegetarian since birth, yet maintain very good physical health. It is also clarified that initially they may have some problem about the palatability of vegetarian food but after sometime would definitely also develop a taste for vegetarian dishes .All points need clarification otherwise people may adopt one healthy habit but land up with another more unhealthy habit. Brushing of teeth was initiated to a tribal community. As a result of this behavioral change people started brushing teeth in the canal from which they also used to obtained drinking water; thus contaminating it with bacteria which proved more hazardous to health.

Credit: Brahma Kumaris

Holistic Diagnosis

 During medical studies Doctors are trained to diagnose the diseases in the specific organs. The role of certain factors such as smoking alcoholism, high calorie, high fat diet, sedentary life-style, wrong postures, stress and strain and so on takes place. Dr.Michael Balint also advised health professionals to take into account these factors while diagnosing the disease. He described it as "Overall Diagnosis. Holmer and Rahe studied the effects of different life events on health. They have also attributed specific scores to each event. If the total score is high the possibility of an individual becoming ill are higher. For Holistic Diagnosis take these factors into account. There is a need to note such relevant factors along with the formal diagnosis. Recent or past stressful events, causative personality traits, relevant attitude, belief system, value system which needs a change etc. are to mention a few.

Sunita Patil, 28 yrs. old woman consulted me for migraine headache. While taking her Holistic History, found that she was having a strong feeling of hatred for her mother in-law. She was prepared to do anything necessary to get rid of her headache except transforming her feelings towards her mother-in-law. I specially noted this fact along with the diagnosis of migraine headache. Doctors need to specially note such related factors because complete cure becomes elusive unless these specific factors are transformed.

Rajesh Agrawal, a senior police officer, suffered from chronic depression. Within few sessions of psychotherapy it was noticed that when his wife was away or he was out of the city for some official work he felt better. On further inquiry an extreme difference in the personality trait of the couple was observed. Rajesh had Type A personality. He would become uncomfortable and tense if the things were not systematically kept in their proper place. If he had an appointment with his wife to meet at a hotel at 6.00 and if incase she was five minutes late he would become seriously restless and disturbed, He was also competitive and highly p.m. ambitious. Unfortunately his wife's personality was exactly the opposite. She would never take pain in keeping things orderly. She would be late for an appointment. This exactly opposite personality caused adjustment difficulties in almost all matters of day-to-day life. For couple of years Rajesh tried hard to change his wife's personality. When he felt that his efforts were not yielding significant positive results he became depressed. It's of vital significance to note this personality conflict along with the diagnosis of depression.

Taking Holistic History

 Unless you take a complete and around history of the patient, you won't be able to offer them the holistic treatment. Even those patients who are suffering from Psychological problems feel that their past experiences and personality factors don't have any relevance to their present complaints. Hence it goes without saying that patients with physical complaints will never attribute them to their past experiences and personality. Rarely patients themselves know that the particular disease is related to the past experience. But he may feel that it is a personal matter which needs to be disclosed to the doctor. It is of vital importance to spare some time and take the complete history of the patient which would also include his relationship with his family members and friends, parental teachings, his opinions about his parents, a brief life history and such other related spheres of life. Rather than asking straight forward questions which can be replied as yes or no formulate your questions in such a way so that the patient can give short descriptive answers. If you are very busy and hence unable to explore all the dimensions of the patient's life, you can spread the detailed history taking in two or three sittings.



 According to an Arabian proverb, "Where there is health, there is hope and where there is hope, there is everything." Hence, good health should be the highest priority but researches imply that health is pushed to a secondary position on several occasions. In Spite of the known fact that insecticide DDT helps in controlling malaria, in North Africa several communities opposed its spray. Their argument was that the sprey killed Anopheles which is responsible for malaria as well as a special type of fly that is responsible for carrying pollen from male to female date palm. In those areas date is the source of food and financial gains. This is an example of priority given to economic gains over maintaining good health. This is also true for certain behavioural factors. Although many people know that the specific behaviour is hazardous to health yet they indulge in it. They prefer to be sick rather than controlling the behaviour. Some significant examples are smoking, alcoholism and sexually transmitted diseases. There is an urgent need to place health on the higher priority.

Certainly, there are remarkable achievements in some dimensions of health. As compared to 1947 there is almost 42% reduction in crude death rate in the United States. On other parameters of Health too we have reached our goals. We're successful in eradicating smallpox. Several infectious diseases have become short and less painful. It has been shown that the change in the scenario is due to the better living conditions and availability of some resources like safe drinking water and not due to the change in human behaviour. Infact, during last several decades diseases related to life styles and stress -induced diseases have reached to an epidemic proportion. There is a relative and absolute increase in many diseases. The high blood pressure ,coronary artery diseases, arthritis, obesity and all types of psychological diseases which also include violence, child abuse,etc. to name a few. Medical scientists, government and non governmental organizations should focus their attention on controlling these factors.

Parallel to the advancement in medical science, doctors have become more and more mechanical and stereotype in treating the patients. They deal with a patient as if they are treating a robot. As they depend increasingly on sophisticated diagnostic tests and specialised knowledge, patients tend to lose their identity as human beings.

In this modern era the conviction was rapidly spreading that disease is just like a fault in the machine and that the doctor's job is to just repair the fault. My professor of physiology told us that in the near future a day may come when a patient suffering from some problem in the right nostril will be refused treatment because the super specialist would be a doctor of the left nostril.

Fortunately, in the last couple of decades it has been felt that patients need to be treated as a whole. Emotions personality, life-style, behaviour, etc. plays a very important role in causing the disease and hence there is a need to take care of these factors as well if one desires long term improvement in the patient's condition. Extensive researches in the field of stress and the significance of doctor-patient relationship is that of transforming the approach of some medical personnels

The word 'Holistic' was described by Jan C. Smurt, which means whole or complete. It is only after a few decades that the seed of holistic health movement was sown in California, USA. Now, the movement continues to spread and blossom throughout the world. Holistic Health Associations have also been established in several countries across the globe.

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Motivation quotes

  1. Do not suppress your mind but uplift with gentleness.
  2. Stop brooding over the causes and searches for the cures.
  3. Even to think ill of others casts malevolent shadow by the clouds of doubt.
  4. Lack of experience exposes  you to the bullets of evil.
  5. Awareness of god will end all confusions and make the soul sparkle.
  6. The brave one never lets hindrances deter him from his course.